Bio Survival - Sets up the dualistic nature of the world - 0's and 1's Emotional Circuit - Adds a spin to every option - You can control the spin, but it's hard to go against imprint Dexterity Symbolism Circuit - Focusing on yourself becoming invisible is awesome, you look down at yourself, concentrate on being invisible, and play with the eyelids. Pot. - Batman's villians exemplify negative human traits. - Ninja Bear - a pretend ninja to have around druing workouts. - My first video - it shows only people's perspectives. As they walk a city street, it illuminates and is created as the people walk. It illustrates how we create our own realities. - Whenever you do something, do NOT feel compelled to continue in the same action or trait. BECAUSE whenever you change an action or trait, other people assume that is the way you have always been. (unless, of course, they know you *ver* well-and even then you can play it off) - Practice is when you push yourself beyond your current limit. It is always harder to do this rather than just doing the motions, except it is more rewarding and more fun in the long run.